What the Tests Say

In many professional and ministry environments, we have a common language that seems to be expressed through personality or psychological profiles. A favorite among my coworkers is the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), although I personally appreciate the insight of the Enneagram as a tool for deeper spiritual and psychological reflection. A good resource is The Ennegram: A Christian Perspective by Richard Rohr and Andreas Ebert.

Yet, for those of you who are curious, here are my personal results for each test:

MBTI: ENFJ (although some of my friends are adamant that I'm really fooling myself and am, in fact, an INTJ. Let's just play it safe and say XNXJ.

Enneagram: 7, Wing 8.

Strength Finders: Input, Connectedness, Belief, Intellection, Learner.

Find out more about each type here (for Enneagram), here (for MBTI), and here (for Strengths). Enjoy!


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