A Quick Thank You

I wanted to briefly thank those of you who have read some of these words I choose to share with you as a part of this blog, as well as those of you who have chosen me to represent the mission of Jesus as a partner in your prayers and your finances. I have noticed a few anonymous donations come in over the past few months. Although I may have spoken to you at some point, may know you, or may never meet you (however we may share in this crazy and beautiful family that God invites us into), know that I deeply appreciate your gifts, as well as the faithful witness you provide me through such a simple act as donating a few dollars. Many of you support me in ways I will never experience consciously, but I get the feeling sometimes that heaven's energy is a little closer due to people like you! I hope that my choices for the sake of the unbreakable and eternal Kingdom of God can be my thank you. Of course I wish I could do more, and I always strive to do more. But in the meantime, I ...