On Easter
Sharon Welch, Road to Emmaus . Native American Abstract. Today is Easter, that time that we celebrate the moment that Christ transforms death into life; He is raised from the dead. That sentence is something that is virtually meaningless, on the order of " a supermassive black hole's schwarzschild radius determines how far the singularity is away from the event horizon ." Even if we understand the words seminologically, they are rendered useless because we have no analogue. Nothing in history prepares us for this fact. The best we can do is to relate to this obliquely, like gazing through a periscope hole or a mirror hallway to view angles and hints left around the rest of salvation history. This is revealed in scripture, and witnessed to by the people of the church. Elijah raises a widow's son from the dead. Ezekiel has visions of dead bones rising to life. Lazarus rises from the tomb. It is right that we celebrate the Resurrection in the manner of the grea...