Existential Thoughts
I was chuckling recently at one of the headlines that I came across: Apparantly Tylenol, in addition to easing your headaches, can help you cope with existential anxiety and angst. Who knew! This, and a good dosage of some music by my favorite existential Christian group, helped encourage me to jot down a few of my recent existential thoughts. You know, sometimes you just have agnostic days. Brace yourself, it's some murky water down there. Is it possible for a person to experience God's goodness directly, at least before death? Are "born again" or other mystical/contemplative/ecstatic experiences essential for demonstration of faith? Does romantic love have any meaning outside of biological impulses and evolutionary programming? Is social justice ever sustainable, or ultimately effective? Are there any clear criteria for salvation through Christ? Is suffering inevitable, no matter our efforts? If so, does it have meaning outside of a purely abstract...