
Showing posts from August, 2013

Three Questions You Should Never Ask an InterVarsity Staff Worker

Life is interesting now that I'm posted for an indeterminate amount of time in Roseville, a town that I haven't called home in 6 years, in which I had only lived for 3 years before departing for college. I love the chance to dig into the nitty gritty of dependency on God , the good food abounding, and the chance to reconnect with many budding partners in the ministry the Lord is in the process of funding. Yet there are a few things I don't enjoy as much: the heat, the suburban traffic, and the persistent bewilderment I face when talking to many who think I should be doing "better" things with my life. So, because you are my friends and would never wish to dishonor me thus, I'll clue you into a few things that will prevent me from silently shrinking in horror the next time we are in conversation. I present: Three Questions you should never ask an InterVarsity staff worker (at least if you want them to continue liking you). The largest class of new staff e...

On Women, Objectification, and Slavery

Ok, so I was going to write my weekly blog contribution around the topic of the recent anniversaries of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki . This occasion is an important one to reflect on our attitude of retribution, justice, and violence. Most especially, to hold us accountable for our attitude of "the means justify the ends." Yet the pastor of my parent's church gave a great word today about our attitude towards women and the effect it has on our Christian discipleship. As adherents to the kingdom of God, we believe in a reality of freedom bound in love (not simply unhindered liberty) in the gaze of our Creator God. In sharing his perfect, Triune love, we are compelled to live with each other perfectly, harmoniously, and peacefully. In short, our shared vision turns towards shalom . Still, we are wise to recognize the siren call of our culture that seduces us to return to the old slavery to our flesh (as Paul calls it), or our gridlocked mode of being that is sel...

On Mary and Motherhood

Yesterday was my Mom's birthday, and so I think it's appropriate to reflect on motherhood and its spiritual implications. People often note how beautiful, winsome, and charming my own mother is, and I'll go ahead and allow my ego to claim that I inherit some of that. Whether or not that is actually true, I am so proud of her for all her support, strength, and courage providing care for young people beyond my brother and myself. Her career in medical care, her upbringing in an international, multicultural context, and marriage to my Dad all speak to her unique ability to spread her love wide. To those that get to see her at all hours of the day, we know that she rarely withholds her own opinions or feelings. Indeed, she seems to feel strongly about most things; indifference is something that doesn't come naturally to her, and is probably why I have such a hard time holding my own tongue. Rather than interacting with our ethnicity through  machismo, she has infused ...