A Manifesto on Belief
He's not the Existentialist we deserve... A Manifesto on Belief I've thought about a helpful proposition to summarize the wisdom of the late-modern and postmodern thinkers. It follows: Humankind is subject to inescapable suffering, which deprives it of objective meaning. Human attempts to remedy suffering inevitably devolve into sectarian tribalism and competition for resources. Ultimately, humankind's existential condition cannot be changed, because it has only so much control over its circumstances as creatures. There is no evidence for any "supernatural" being, and the vast majority of God-talk upholds superstition at its most harmless best, and unspeakable atrocity at its brutal worst. Humankind will only be free when liberated of belief: ideology and God are dictators when considered as objective. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." In choosing action, to lay down one's life for the sake of mercy, humanity wi...