On True Love and Government Shutdowns

Yup, today the Government shut down. It's on days like these that I don't particularly want to hear a song about how great it is to be alive, in love, playing with your puppy, whathaveyou.  That's probably why I write songs like this, an homage to a semi-obscure live cut by my favorite artists, Radiohead. If there was any occasion to link our collective simple desire not be alone with the heartbreak of being let down by those we trust, well, we found it today in our Congress (and, probably our President, as much as I hate to admit it). I'm definitely putting this one to music. Call it a cover/extension of Yorke's song. Just imagine his trembling tenor soothing you with these lines.

All my thoughts are drowned
when you make my make believe
We'll tumble to the ground
Just to sink too far beneath

See life's a little brighter
From the blinding of your gaze
But what once drew me higher
Now leaves this bitter taste

Don't leave me here alone
I can't wait long enough
I'll die out here alone
I'm just not strong enough

Were you ever even there?
Just a crutch for wounded pride
You proved too frail to bear
I woke to dreams denied

I left you there alone
You waited long enough
We've died apart alone
We weren't strong enough.

Damn, that was a bummer. Maybe next time I'll actually write something happy. And maybe next time I'll ride a unicorn to the cheese moon and feast on Sriracha fries without getting Jabba-the-Hutt fat. Who knows.


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